Processing LSC New Accessions

Shows how to process weekly accessions files from WB Meyer

Save the attachment to your computer


Change directory to /alma/integrations/lsc/barcodes

Change to your directory that has the list of accessioned barcodes

PUT the barcode file into the /barcodes directory in turing

SSH to

Change directory to /alma/integrations/lsc/barcodes

Change the name of the file of barcodes to barcodes.txt

Clean barcode.txt

:%s/^"// deletes " at the beginning of all of the lines

:%s/"$// deletes " at the end of all of the lines

:%s/\s\+$//e deletes trailing white spaces in all of the lines

Change directory to /alma/bin

Add yourself to the mail list if you haven't already

Open and add your email to mail_list seperated by a space from other emails


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