How to add a profile to a user record

When new employees are hired, they will need to have their Alma user record enhanced in order to do their assigned work in Alma. Since everyone does different jobs, in different areas of the library, there are many profiles that have been created, and you can select the one that fits best for the job. You also have the option to add additional roles to an employee's record. A profile is just a group of roles that have been combined together to make it easier to assign to someone.

Not everyone has permission to add profiles and roles to user records ... it may not be a part of your profile. You may need to ask someone else to do this for you. When an employees leaves, the profiles would need to be removed from their Alma record.

  1. Click on the Blue Alma button.
  2. If you have permission to add profiles, you will see a section for User Management. Click on Find and Manage Users.
  1. In the Find and Manage Users window, you will see pages and pages of all of the users in Alma.
  2. You will use the Find field and the drop down list to help refine your search.

The drop down list has several options to choose from. The default option is User general information. If the person has a very unique first name (or last name), you may choose to search by that term to narrow down your results. When looking for a name, spelling counts, but capitalization doesn't. Under the User general information search, you can type last name first, first name first, or both terms (no comma required if last name is typed first). If you are not sure of the exact spelling, you can insert an * at the end of your search term.

  1. To search for a record, type your search term in the Find field,
  2. Click on Go, or press [Enter].
  3. Your results will appear in the window below. To access the record you want, click on the person's name.
  1. The patron record will open. Verify that you have the correct record. If not, click on the Cancel button.
  2. The record will open on the General Information Tab.
  3. Scroll down to see the User Roles section. This is where you will add and remove profiles and roles.
  4. Every user record in Alma will have Patron as a role. Do not remove this! When someone is no longer employed, and you go to remove the other roles they no longer need, make sure that Patron remains.

To add a profile, click on Add from Profiles. You will see a list of profiles that have been created and the roles associated with that profile. These are listed alphabetically, with the library name listed first.

  1. When you find the profile that you want, click in the check box next to the profile name
  2. Click on the Select button at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Now in the list of User Roles, you will see the new roles that are a part of the profile that you chose.
  2. Click on Save to keep your changes.
  1. To remove roles, click the check boxes next to each role you want to remove. Don't select all of them, since you know you want to leave the Patron role.
  2. Click on the Remove Selected button.

You will see a Confirmation Message window. Click on Confirm.

The revised User Roles list will appear. Click on Save to confirm the changes.

Click on the ExLibris button to clear the screen.


6 October 2017 version LT


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