How to run the Spine Label Processing API and process the results report
Instructions on how to run the Spine Label Processing API using a web form developed by Bernardo Gomez and Alex Cooper of the Emory LITS Core Services Team.
The purpose of this API is reduce the number of times that barcodes must be scanned during the marking process in order to generate the call number labels, and then remove two Work Orders in Alma. If the API is not used, then the barcodes would have to be scanned a minimum of three times, once in SpineOMatic to make the labels and then twice more in Alma to remove the Work Orders so that the items will display in Alma with the correct location. When the API is used, the barcodes only need to be scanned once (in SpineOMatic), saving a considerable amount of time. After the call number labels are made, and the physical processing of the items is completed, then the Work Orders can be removed. This is done by extracting the barcode data from SpineOMatic, exporting it to Excel for cleanup, and then saving it as a text file with Notepad. The API is run by completing a web form, which includes a secret password, the name and location of the text file, and the email addresses that should receive the completed results report. Once the API is finished running, an email is sent to the designated recipients, with an Excel spreadsheet as an attachment. It will show all of the barcodes in the same order they were scanned into SpineOMatic, and the results of the API. Items that did not have to smooth trip to their final destination are marked on the spreadsheet are analyzed, and these items can be dealt with by manually scanning and/or editing the items in Alma by copying the information from Excel and pasting it into Alma. Sometimes there are error messages that indicate bigger issues that must be resolved by the Core Services Team and/or ExLibris.
This API process removes Work Orders first when the Currently at field in Alma is set to Robert W. Woodruff Library - Woodruff Technical Services, and again when the Currently at field is set to Robert W. Woodruff Library - Circulation Desk. This changes the item process type from Technical Services to either Item in Place, or else puts the item in transit to it's home library/location if it lives somewhere other than the Woodruff Library.
Instructions on how to create the necessary text file can be found at the end of this document in the Related Documentation Section (MARKING - How to assign and use batch names in SpineOMatic)
These instructions were written using Windows 10, Excel 2016, Outlook 2016, SpineOMatic v.7.0, and the Alma Classic User Interface.
The latest version of this can be found at:
To run the Spine Label Processing API

- To run the Spine Label Processing API, navigate to the web page:
- The title in the browser tab will display Process barcodes
- You will see the blank web form.

- To keep things secure, you will need to type in the Secret word (password) for this site [Not included here]
- For Source file, click on Browse... and then navigate to where your text file lives. Click once on the name of the file and click Open. It will then appear on this screen.
- Type in the email addresses that you would like to receive the completed report. Include your personal email and Laura's email, separated by a comma. You can add other emails as well, if you know that someone else will be completing the work. Due to restrictions of the email server that is used for the API, the reports can only be sent to Emory email addresses.
- When all of the fields are completed, click on Submit.

The only indication you will see that your request has been submitted and is being processed will be the spinning wheel located in the browser tab alongside the word Connecting... Be patient. If you attempt to submit the file again, you will receive a message that it has already been submitted. Depending upon the size of the file (the number of barcodes), this process might take a few minutes. However, it is still faster than having to scan each barcode manually at least twice.

Once the API has finished processing the items, you will see a message: Success:text file will go to your mailbox.

Depending upon the server being used, the email may appear in your mailbox immediately, or in 15 minutes.
The From address is webserver account, and the subject is spine label batch, and there is also the report as an attachment (paperclip).

Once you open the email, it is easier to see the attachment. Double click on the attachment to open it.
An alert box will appear to let you know that there might be an issue with the file extension (.xls). The file is fine. Excel 2016 currently uses the newer file extension .xlsx, so Excel is a little concerned about opening an older format spreadsheet. It is okay to click on Yes.

The file will open with each field of data in it's own column. However, the columns may appear squished to the default column width. This is normal, but not particularly user friendly.
There is a quick way to automatically resize the columns, if you don't want to adjust each column width manually.
- Click on the Select All button located to the left of the A column and above the 1 row.
- Double click on any boundary between two column headings (the cursor will change to a cross-like symbol with left and right arrows when you are in the right place).
The columns are now legible, easy to use and nicely sized based on the number of characters in each cell (or the length of the column header).

The Excel file that arrives in the email attachment is a Read-Only document. Any changes you make to the spreadsheet will not stick until you do Save as.
The results spreadsheet should be saved in the same location as the original text file that was used to create it. So, every batch will have two files with identical file names, but with different extensions. One for the text file (.txt), and one for the Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx). These paired files become helpful when troubleshooting problems.
- Click on File, and navigate to Save As in the Sidebar menu.
- Click on This PC.
- Click on Desktop (A desktop shortcut has been created for the Marking folder that lives on the F: Drive).
- Double click on the Marking folder.
- Double click on the Work Orders API files folder.
- Double click on the folder where you saved the original text file (in this example it is September 2016).
- Click once on the name of the text file.
- The name will appear in the File name field with the .txt file extension.
- Click on the drop down arrow on the far right side of the Save as type field.
10. Change the file extension to Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) this is the first choice in the drop down list
11. Click on Save.

If you navigate to the folder for the particular month (September 2016), you will see the paired files for each batch of labels that was created.
Interpreting the messages that appear in the report
Here is an example of the various messages that you may encounter within a report. All of the barcode numbers have an apostrophe added to the beginning of the digits. This is done automatically by the API. It helps the report identify this field as text, so that the leading zeros are not dropped by mistake. At this point, you can customize the spreadsheet to suit your needs, to make it easier to work with... change the fonts, font size, add borders, etc. You can even use color coding to mark which items need manual editing, and then to mark the ones you have fixed. This comes in handy, especially with large reports. Since the items appear in the order they were originally scanned, you will need to scroll through the entire report to locate the ones that have issues (nothing arrives highlighted).
- Most of the time you will not have to do anything else to the items. The work orders are removed and the items are listed in Alma as either Item in Place, or in Transit to their home location.
- Sometimes items will display ERROR in the Outcome column. It is not always apparent what the problem might be. These items will often have notes in the recommendation column about what to do next. For items that need to be reported to Core Services, the items should be pulled from the book cart and set aside until the problem is resolved. The line that display barcode is not an integer, appears because the barcode column header was not deleted when creating the text file. In this case, if all of the other barcodes were processed properly, nothing else needs to be done to the report. It is a reminder to be more careful in the future when creating the text file.
- There are items that display with the Outcome as OK, but actually require intervention based on what appears in the Description column. The items may need to be scanned again, or sometimes Edit Item must be done, and even sometimes multiple combinations of scanning in the items and manual item edits must be done to correct the problem.
To correct an item in Alma,
- Click once on a barcode in the report,
- then double click on it in the Formula Bar to highlight it,
- copy the barcode number,
- and then paste it into Alma. You will see that only the digits are pasted, not the apostrophe.
- After clicking on Items, you can click on the Actions button,
- and then click on Edit.
Related Documentation
- MARKING - How to assign and use batch names in SpineOMatic
- SpineOMatic Documentation Links
- MARKING - How to report problems with Spine Label Processing API to LITS Library Core Services
- MARKING - Documentation Links
22 August 2017 version
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