GOBI RUSH Receiving 2081-13 & -71
- 2081-71 is for Rush Drop shipments. 2081-13 is for By-Pass shipments.
- The book(s) will arrive with or without an invoice. If there is only a packing slip keep for relevant notations.
- Search book in ALMA (I scan ISBN barcode into search box).
- Click on the “1” next to the Orders: field. The “1” indicates there is a PO attached to the book.
- If the book is a rush for a patron there should be a patron notify field on the right-hand side of the order detail screen. Click on this field to obtain patron name and Emory ID. This information will be found in the “Interested User” box. Fill out a gold rush slip with patron information. Write the POL number at the top of the rush slip.
- Go to the Acquisitions tab on the far left of the screen. Scroll down to “Receiving and Invoicing”. Click on “Receive”.
- Type PO, or POL, number in search box under “One Time” tab. Make sure there is only one POL on the PO. If this is the case, you can use the PO to receive the item. By-Pass shipments can have multiple books with differing PO’s.
- Check the box next to the PO or the POL. Click the “Receive” box in the upper right corner. There should now be a “1” under the “Items Received” column. Make sure when you are in the Receiving screen the “Keep in Department” box is clicked and “Awaiting Cataloging” is chosen.
- Write the PO and the date received on the packing slip. Keep this for your records.
- Look up the item in GOBI (I search by scanning the ISBN into the search box). Click on the “Shipped to Library” notation.
- If you only have a packing slip click on the invoice number. It should indicate “Rush Dropship” with the account number 2081-71. Download the invoice.
- Send the invoice as an attachment to the LIBINVOICE listserv. In the body of the email include the PO number, or the individual POL’s numbers, date received, and your initials. You will need to make a pdf of an invoice with multiple POL’s.
- Put the gold rush slip in book and place book on Sofia’s desk. If she is not in the office to catalog it, the other catalogers know to check her desk for rushes.
**Keep in mind By-Pass shipments, 2081-13, can include Rushes, added volumes or a title that is already owned by another Library or has it on order. **
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