EDI Invoices for GOBI API Orders
GOBI invoices for 2081-07 are imported via EDI electronically. These are batch invoices or invoices with more than one order. Sometimes an order is invoiced with the fund missing.
i. If a fund was not entered in the Order details in GOBI
ii. If there is no money in the fund, ALMA may not import the fund code
Accounting can’t add what they call ‘valuation’ to a payment. This means it’s Order Services job to enter fund codes for all invoice lines.
:Order Services tasks:
i. Check daily for Orders in Review (which you should be doing already)
ii. You can fix a missing fund in the POL by spotting them In Review.
1. View Invoices in Review; look for invoices from your vendor
2. Click on the invoice link in the search results
3. Click on the tab INVOICE LINES
4. Review all the invoice lines that correspond to POLs
5. There is a FUND column in this view, by scrolling down through all the lines you can easily spot any missing a fund.
6. To add a fund, you leave the Invoice Line area and go to the POL listed in that line.
7. In the POL you add the fund.
8. How you determine what the fund should be is the fun part. If it was missing in GOBI you won’t find it there.
9. You have to see who the selector was (Initials in GOBI) and look at the subject matter of the title.
10. Then you make your best guess at the appropriate fund to add.
11. Add a FUND to the POL in ALMA
12. Next, you Save and Continue. If the POL is “assigned to you”, release the assignment.
13. This puts it back in the Accounting queue but it only goes out of review when the invoice does which will happen automatically after Michelle pushes it out to Compass.
14. The above action by Order Services have to happen for Accounting to be able to get the invoice into Compass.
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