Woodruff - Enumeration for Monograph Set Records and Classed Together Series
In each of the cases shown below, follow these guidelines:
- Always use Arabic numerals.
- Only use numbers in the Enumeration fields (e.g., do not put V., PT., NO., INDEX, SUPPL., etc. in there).
- Only use capital letters in the Description field.
- There should be no space between the V. (or PT., etc.) and the number in the Description
- e.g., V.1 not V. 1 or PT.1 not PT. 1
- Aside: There should only be one Holdings Record linked to a Bib Record unless the Library and/or Location and/or Call Number is different.
Table of Contents
1. Enumeration for Multi-Volume Monograph Set Records
1.A. Single-Level Enumeration
- In this case, there is only one “level” of numbering (e.g., V.1).
MMS ID 9937698995202486
300 Field
The 300 field indicates whether or not you’re dealing with a Multi-Volume set.
a. 300 for “active” multi-volume set
- Note the word “volumes,” indicating that there is more than one volume (i.e., it is a multi-volume set).

b. 300 for “completed” multi-volume set
- Note the use of the < and > brackets, indicating that all (at least for now) of the volumes have been published.

Item Record
Adding the Item Record
- Add the entire volume “description” in the Description field and the volume number (without the V.) in Enumeration A of the Alma Item Record.

Item List
The Item List shows the completed volumes.
- Note that the “Volume” comes from Enumeration A.

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1.B. Multi-Level Enumeration
- In this case, there is more than one “level” of numbering (e.g., V.2 PT.1)
- If more than one level of Enumeration is required, you would normally use V. for the first level of Enumeration, and PT. for the second level of Enumeration.
- Note: If previous items in the set use PT. or BD., or NO., etc., then use that instead.
MMS ID 990027742710302486
300 Field
a. 300 for "active" multi-volume set
- Note the word “volumes,” indicating that there is more than one volume (i.e., it is a multi-volume set).

b. 300 for “completed” multi-volume set
- In the case above, this Bib Record (MMS ID 990027742710302486) is still active, so it does not have a 300 field that either includes the use of the < and > brackets, or has a specific number of volumes entered.
- However, here is an example from a different Bib Record, and note that the 300 shows that there are "multi-level" volumes.
- For example, note that volume 1 contains parts 1-4, volume 2 contains parts 1 and 4, etc., so in this case, the 300 is also an indication that at least some of the volumes on this Bib Record will require "multi-level" Enumeration.

Item Record
Adding the Item Record
a. 2-level Enumeration
- Add the entire volume “description” in the Description field, and then, using the Enumeration fields, add the numbers only of the different "levels" (e.g., V., PT., NO., SEC., etc.) into the appropriate Enumeration field.
- For example, you want to add PT.C SEC.1.
- Because this item has a 2-level Description, you can complete the Enumeration work in the "GENERAL" tab in the Item Record by entering the appropriate numbers in Enumeration A and Enumeration B, as shown below.

b. 3-level Enumeration
- However, if you want to add PT.C SEC.1 V.2, that is an item with a 3-level Description (PT.C, SEC.1, and V.2), which will require 3-level Enumeration.
- For 3 (or more) level items, you will need to use the "ENUM/CHRON" tab.
- To add 3-level Enumeration:
- Enter the Description in the "GENERAL" tab.
- Enter the Enumeration (and Chronology if appropriate) in the “ENUM/CHRON” tab.
- Below is the completed Enumeration work for PT.C SEC.1 V.2.
- Note below that in the "ENUM/CHRON" tab you can see multiple levels of both Enumeration (A through H) and Chronology (I through M) ... most of which you will never use.

Item List
The Item List shows the completed volumes.
- Note that the “Volume” comes from Enumeration A.
- Note that only Enumeration A (and Chronology I, in the “Year” column) is displayed in the Item List, so this view does not show if you have correctly added Enumeration B and Enumeration C.

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2. Enumeration for Classed Together Series
- For classed together series sets, check other items in the series and follow the same format, i.e., if everything else in the series uses V. then use that, likewise with PT., BD., NO., etc.
- When in doubt about how to number these, check the 050 and/or 830.
- Note: Classed Together Series can be a bit tricky, especially if you have a multi-volume set within that series.
2.A. Single Volume
- If there is only one volume, put the series volume number in the Holdings Record.
- There will not be a Description or Enumeration in the Item Record because that information is contained in the 852.
MMS ID 9936649473102486
Note that in this example, the call number in the 050 is not the “classed together” call number.
Because we have classed the rest of the volumes in this series together, you will not use the call number in the 050, and you’ll instead use the classed together call number.
- The Classed Together call number for this series is DS261 .C65 A6 instead of DF261 .C65 S52 2017 (as shown in the 050).
- This is important to note, because if you use the "Add Inventory" button to create a Holdings Record, the call number in the 050 will "populate" the Holdings Record, and you will need to change it.

The 300 describes a single volume, so the series volume number will go into the 852 in the Holdings Record.

The volume in the 830 indicates what series volume number to use in the Holdings Record.

Completed Holdings Record
- Note: In this case, because there is only a single volume, there will not be a Description or Enumeration in the Item Record because that information is in the 852.
- Note also that, in the 852, we've used the "classed together" call number instead of the call number in the 050, and we've used "V.21" instead of "v. 21" as seen in the 830.

MMS ID 990014809610302486
In this example, the 050 contains the correct, classed together call number.
- Note: We use V.18 PT.2 in the Holdings Record instead of vol. 18 pt. 2 (as shown in the 050), so edit the Holdings Record as necessary.
- Note: There should also be a space before .C65 so you might want to fix that as well (in the Holdings Record).

The 300 describes a single volume, so the series volume number will go into the 852 in the Holdings Record.

The volume and part are both in the 830 and because this is a single volume monograph, they both go into the Holdings Record.
- So, in this case, you would not have a Description of PT.2 in the Item Record.

Completed Holdings Record
- Note: In this example, the call number in the Holdings Record was not "parsed," so when I corrected the call number (by adding V.18 PT.2), I added the $$i “before the last cutter” (i.e., A6) in the call number.

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2.B. Multi-Volume Set (Same Series Volume Number with Multiple Parts)
- If there is more than one volume, but they have the same series volume number, put the series volume number in the Holdings Record, and put only the PT. (or V., BD., NO., etc.) number in the Description and Enumeration of the Item Records.
MMS ID 990014814380302486
This is a 3-volume set, but the 050 indicates that only the series volume number (V.15) belongs in the Holdings Record.

The 300 indicates that this is a multi-volume set (with 3 volumes).

The 830 only has v. 15 as the series volume number (like the 050), indicating that the 3 volumes are “parts” of volume 15, so only the series number belongs in the Holdings Record.

The Holdings Record contains only the series volume number.

The parts are indicated in the Description and Enumeration in the Item Record.

The Item List shows the completed volumes.
- Note that the “Volume” comes from Enumeration A.

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2.C. Multi-Volume Set (Different Series Volume Numbers)
- If there is more than one volume, but they have different series volume numbers, and because we don’t want Multiple Holdings Records on the same Bib Record, use a “truncated” call number, and put the series volume numbers in the Description and Enumeration.
MMS ID 990025695810302486
This is a 3-volume set, and the 050 indicates that there are multiple volumes with different series volume numbers.

The 300 also indicates that this is a multi-volume set (with 3 volumes).

The 830 has 3 different series volume numbers (“v. 24-26” i.e., v.24, v.25, and v.26) indicating that the series volume numbers belong in the Item Records and not in the Holdings Record.
- Note: If you were to put the 3 different series volume numbers into 3 different Holdings Records, you would have “Multiple Holdings Records,” and that is something we don’t do in Alma.

The Holdings Record will have a “truncated” call number, i.e., it does not contain the series volume number.

The series volumes are indicated in the Description and Enumeration in the Item Records.

The Item List shows the completed volumes.

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2.D. Multi-Volume (Different Series Volume Numbers with Multi-Level Descriptions)
- This is a somewhat rare occurrence.
- If you do encounter this situation, you will use a combination of the instructions found in “2.C. Multi-Volume Set (Different Series Volume Numbers)” and “1.B. Multi-Level Enumeration.”
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