Creating Sets
You run jobs, norm rule changes, and indication rules on sets of records.
Logical Sets
- Based on search criteria; dynamic (all electronic records with the keyword "ebrary", for example)
- Created by using the Repository Search page (Resource Management > Search > Repository Search)
- Saving a search query is another name for creating a logical set. A logical set is dynamic, recalculated each time it is accessed - in other words, the search is rerun and the results are the set. When you save a query (set), you are saving a set of search criteria that can be reused. Each time you run a query, the results may be different if the records have changed since the previous run. Note that you can turn logical sets into itemized sets.
- Saving and Reusing Search Queries
Itemized Sets
- Based on a finite list of identification numbers (a list of barcodes, for example)
- Itemized sets are created on the Manage Sets page
- Creating Itemized Sets
- An itemized set is a fixed collection of items that may have been entered by hand, uploaded from a file, or the result of a previous search (but no longer associated with the query terms). Note that you can turn logical sets into itemized sets.
Example: create an itemized set from a list of barcodes
- Create a file (Excel or .txt) of id numbers, one on each line
- Make sure your file has a header - Barcodes for physical items in this case

- Admin --> Manage Sets

- Add Set
- Itemized

- Give set a name and set the content type (important because it has to correlate with which type of job you're trying to run on something - more on that correlation at Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets)
- Browse to the Excel or Text file you created

- Click Save to add the members from this file to this set
- An email will be sent to you when the job has been run - it will also tell you if there were any errors adding members to the set
- Go to your sets - Admin --> Manage Sets and find that set you created
- Ellipses on the right - lots of options for things to do with sets (filter them using indication rules, for example)
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