Woodruff - Level 1 Microfiche with discoverE Links
Full-text electronic copies of microfiche sent to the LSC likely exist for titles published prior to 1923. We do not have time at present to look for these records and add them in electronic format. We will programmatically add a note indicating that a full-text electronic copy of this title may be available and a generated link to a combined tab discoverE search for the title to the records.
An initial list of about 12,000 possible URLs was screened to remove searches with no results, so that patrons will not click on a link leading to no results that will disappoint them. Core also improved the search to add author and date to provide more precise and less false positive results. Approximately 9,000 URLs were added to records. As cataloging and accessioning of tmicrofiche occurred during the Level 1 project, some of these records representing fiche that was deaccessioned were deleted (there were 2,535 as of 12/2017).
Bib record:
590 note:
$$a Full-text electronic access to this title may be available to current Emory University students, faculty, and staff. To search for an electronic full-text copy of this title, click “Search discoverE for an electronic copy” under Links
856 note:
4 2 $$z Search discoverE for an electronic copy $$u [URL generated through script created by Core Systems]
Holding record library/location: LSC/USTORNC

Item: remove temp location to unsuppress from discoverE.
How the record looks in discoverE :
(note no online resource tab created because 856 indicators are 42 - 41 would create a tab)
The link opens a new window with a discoverE combined search tab and searches for the title, date, and author:
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